The Holy Prophet Sallalaho Ta'ala Alaihi Wa Alayhi Wasulum said, ''Whosoever reads Durood upon me 100 times during the night of Friday and on Friday, Allah Azzawajal fulfil 100 of his needs, 70 needs of the hereafter and 30 worldly''. (Tafseer-e-Dar-e-Mansoor, V6, P654)

SubhanAllah, the reward of every good deed is increased 70 times on every friday. Please make a habit of reciting atleast 100 times Darood Sharif on every friday. You can read a small Darood Sharif such as "Sallalaho Ta'ala A'la Muhammad" or "Aslato Was Salamo Alaika Ya Rasool Allah" Insha Allah you will have recited 100 times Darood Sharif in less than 5 minutes.

Sallu Alal Habib (Recite Darood on Habib)
Sallalaho Ta'ala A'la Muhammad